Hale's Sporting Goods

  • Mon-Sat8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.Sun8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
  • 56216 M-51 SouthDowagiacMI 49047


At Hale's True Value Hardware & Sporting Goods, we have an indoor archery range. Learn to shoot in the comfort of heat or air conditioning inside.

  • Indoor Range

    Shoot from the comfort of our temperature-controlled indoor archery range! Hale's True Value Hardware & Sporting Goods's indoor shooting range allows you to practice your aim year-round, out of the rain and snow, and in a comfortable, temperature-controlled atmosphere. Set up a shooting time today!

    Details: Our range is 25 yards long and can comfortably have 6 archers shooting at once.

    Rate: $5.00 per hour